Sunday, October 24, 2010

Early Morning Joy

It is nearly 6 am and I have been up since before two. Why? No, I have not been tracking the pesky leopard. I was tracking something I have seen less of here than the carnivorous cats. I don’t think some of you know just how lucky you actually are, everyday, at a reasonable time mind you, you can sit down relax and just appreciate something great on multiple mediums. That is not the case for everyone in the world (ie me). Every morning, you can find in-depth info on them and every night you get to appreciate them directly. I am speaking of the Giants of course. Do you know how hard it is to get info about them here?! It is funny how the time I decide to live super rural, the Giants MAKE THE WORLD SERIES!

It worked out perfectly; Saturday we wrapped up our Mochudi home stays and we were to spend one night in a little lodge before meeting our new families in Gaborone. When I walked into the front door of the lodge and saw a computer on the internet, I knew it was going to be a good night (well actually morning). Unfortunately the Yankees lost the day before, so rather then getting the afternoon game which would start at the reasonable time of 10pm for us, we got the night game which meant 2am… rough…

Four of us all manager to stumble out of bed only to find that the computers speakers didn’t work! Then, with some "MacGyvering", we hooked up one of our computers and got the Giant's broadcast and man did those voices sound like sweet velvet pancakes! There we huddled on one of the couches and listened to the trials and turmoils of our valiant crusaders.

Soon I will be meeting my new family, hopefully they or someone else will have internet so we can continue cheering on the orange and black!

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