Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Here I Go Again

Source: www.mayhewinternational.org

            In roughly two weeks, I set off for my longest adventure yet. Previously, I have been fortunate enough to do home stays in Spain and Costa Rica; a year later, I received a study grant to live and study in Italy the summer before I went to Pitzer College. While at Pitzer, I lived in Beijing and Botswana (whose stories you can find in this blog). Now I am headed to Nepal on a Fulbright Scholarship. 
            Before receiving the packet that listed every country to which the Fulbright sent people, I thought I was dead set on Nepal.  I had chosen between it and Botswana junior year for study abroad and was only swayed by my cousin Francesca who had just returned from working in Sub-Saharan Africa. But when I opened the Fulbright booklet, I became like a kid in a candy shop, wanting everything! I stared at the lengthy list of countries and realized that it would be much quicker to create a list of countries that I wouldn’t want to go to rather than make a list of those I did. It was done before I even picked up a pen, none. I could come up with viable reasons for why I would want to go to every country. But, I began reading the provided bios and was quickly able to eliminate many countries. Countries like Mongolia where applicants needed to be prepared for “harsh weather and development issues” (read: stuck inside a poorly insolated house for a Siberian winter) were quickly ruled out. After peeling through the pages, it finally came down to a few things:

1)   I wanted to go to a country, and for that matter, a region I had yet to experience.
2)   I wanted to live with a host family. It is not only the best way to develop one’s language skills, but also the best way to integrate oneself into the host culture.
3)   I wanted to have a legitimate chance to get chosen. That meant I had to give myself some sort of competitive shot at going.  It meant not applying to places as an undergrad like Hong Kong, who only has two research grants and I would be competing against people who were doing their PhD dissertations. This also falls under that category that Nigel Boyle (who oversees the entire Fulbright process at Pitzer), said not to apply to - any place that plays cricket, because the odds are some of the worst by far. Places like the West Bank with only two slots for teaching were also left out due to the sheer number of applicants who applied.

With that criteria, some trips to the library (yes people my age know what books are), and talking with several of my friends who attended the Pitzer in Nepal program for study abroad, the decision was solidified. Then the fun process of applying and the torturous waiting game began. But I will get into that in further post.

As always, please feel free to ask any question or suggest topics that you want me to cover, or give me advice.



  1. Hi Vincent ~ Namaste!
    I have been volunteering in Nepal since 2007 ~ and I LOVE IT! I hope you have a wonderful time ~ If you have time, maybe you could visit one of our libraries ~ here is my blog so you can see the areas we are working in!!! I may be visiting in July or August this summer, but definitely I will be there in Dec. It would be fun to meet up if you have time. I would love to hear how you are doing (and I can bring you a few things from your family too! My family lives in Felton!)
    Wishing you the BEST!

  2. you will love my country for sure. Its more beautiful than you imagined.

  3. Good Luck Vincent and enjoy Nepal while you are there!
