Saturday, January 12, 2013

Physical Education

My KG Class

                 The past few days for the last period I have gotten to lead Physical Education with the 4th graders. Yesterday with my beanbag juggling ball, we played 3 Flys Ups. The concept of catching the ball three times then becoming the ‘flyer’, or as I tried to make it more relevant to them by borrowing the term ‘bowler’ from cricket, was totally lost on them.  For them a victory enough was just getting a chance to touch the ball. So I spent a solid hour making them field pop flys and grounders.  The closest thing to baseball outside of cricket Nepal has ever seen.

                As I was leaving I saw a group of KG and 1st sitting in a circle with one student in the middle and two running around the outside.  They were mimicking Duck Duck Goose which I had taught 4th the previous day! The concept of Duck and Goose was a little difficult for 4th and it quickly developed to becoming  ‘Dog, Dog, GOES!’ KG and 1st had evolved the game even further replacing ‘dog’ with any word (English or Nepali) that began with the letter ‘d’ and then with a big slap on the back of the head to alert the chaser it was her or his turn.

This is a photo of me and the fam playing dominoes last night. Sajana, 19 is in yellow, Nilima is in front and she is in 6th grade, Nischal is in the back and he is in class 9 and Aama is in the bottom left.  We had to postpone eating dinner for twenty minutes for Aama to try and win out only for Nischal to have a late game surge and go from last to first in 3 games. Obviously, Aama wouldn’t let it end there so as we ate our meal we had to start another game only to have Aama midway through the game, after she was getting severely beaten, tell us all to go upstairs and study for our exams. I don’t even have exams and she made me feel guilty about procrastination! 

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