Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Swine Flu!!!!!

So, this is a photo from the brief period of my life that China thought that I could possible have the H1N1 virus.  Currently, I have a little head cold, nothing to worry about, just need to keep hydrated and well rested. But, when my teachers saw me and heard I wasn't feeling 100%, they talked me into seeing a doctor. I was fortunate enough that one of my teachers was able to take me to one of the on-campus hospitals rather than me going solo to an English speaking one that was across town (like a classmate of mine had to do).  Hospitals in China are very different than the ones in the US.  Your medical records are kept in a notebook that you keep, rather than on record at the hospital. We were sent to a few different places in the hospital, all referring us to other locations. Finally, I was put into a quarantine center where the nurses wore huge gloves and masks and I had to put on a mask as well. Then I had to stick a thermometer up under my armpit for a while (As shown in evidence A). When it was finally realized that I was not infected, I was given Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat the common cold. The traditional medicine was a type of tea basically in a brown powder form that I have to mix with hot water twice a day.  Lets just say I hope it begins to grow on me...
Swine Flu though is a major concern at the university and throughout China.  So far there have been eight reported cases at this school and health officials are coming to talk to the students about the importance of staying healthy.  
After a good night's rest, I should be doing much better.  This weekend we have our city home stay. Im super excited! We get to spend 3 days with a family and it's going to be awesome!

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